Just ride the wave.
I started this blog as an outlet for my grief. I lost my mom in late September 2021, just 2 months after the birth of our daughter. My mom was a single mom, and I am an only child. She was my best friend growing up and she was a cornerstone of my family. She was a lot of things to a lot of people, but she was my mom. She was called Ginger, Mama, Grandmama, Gigi, YaYa, Aunt Ginger, Aunt Ginner, Ginner, Ging, Gingy, and Bubbles. My mom adored her family, she lived for her family. Family for her extended beyond her blood. And, unlike the stereotype, my mom and my husband were great friends. They loved each other and understood each other in a way I didn’t even understand. But what she loved the most was being a Grandmama. She loved our babies. She lived for them and now she is their angel.
I have a bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice and Psychology, a master’s degree in Forensic Psychology, a lot of experience doing a lot of different jobs, I have a family of my own and I live a beautiful and relatively complete life. And none of that prepared me for what I faced on the day she left me when she died. I am not an expert on grief, and, in fact, I am new to the loss of a parent. But there is something to be said for support and that’s all I am really trying to do here. I have a strong faith in God, I am a Christian and I believe my mom is now home with God. You don't have to agree to get something out of this blog. You don't have to agree to find peace in your loss. You don't have to agree with anything I write, and you don't have to stay. I appreciate you making it this far. If you do decide to stick around to see what I have to say, I thank you. No matter what, I wish you well and I pray for peace in your heart. We are all in the same group and not one of us wants to be here.
I named this blog "Just Ride the (grief) Wave" because that has been a motto of mine through hardship, and especially now. On good days, on seemingly impossible days, I keep my faith in God and I just ride the wave.
Thank you so much for these heartfelt thoughts, Kristin. They will help others too, Emily included. Much love and empathy,
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